Tuesday, January 02, 2007

What little things can you do to meet your goals? (dsp blog prompt)

My new year's goal is to lose weight. Not a certain number of pounds, not make a certain goal weight by a certain date, not be a certain size by a certain event. Just to be farther down the road in being at a healthier weight this time next year than now. Of course, I do have hopes of being a size "whatever"... but this time my focus is going to be on health and feeling better. This is kind of a new mindset for me... maybe I've just gotten old and realized I'm never going to be a tiny little hottie again... was I ever, anyway? So... today I took my first small step and joined Weight Watchers... again. I've had great success with Weight Watchers. As a matter of fact, I've lost around 100 pounds on Weight Watchers.... sadly, it's the same 50 pounds twice!! But I know Weight Watcher's works to get the weight off and maybe this time I am at a place in my life I can make the connection and keep it off. My second small step I'm going to take is a commitment to eat breakfast, a healthy breakfast, each day. I am a "pop-tart and diet coke at 11:00 breakfast" kind of girl.... horrible, I know. But when I'm eating healthy I always eat a decent breakfast... a bit of protein, a whole grain, milk, maybe a fruit. And I feel so much the better for that! So, I'm going to commit to eating something healthy each morning... regardless of how I do the rest of the day (or the day before).

Todays WW Thought...
Rejoined today. Yikes.... do I really weigh that much? The leader at this meeting is nice, and normal. She doesn't seem to be a food nazi... didn't spend the half hour promoting macrobiotic, all organic eating or talk about her cat the whole time (both things my leaders at the two most recent unsuccessful WW re-joinings have done!) Maybe I'll like this meeting.


Unknown said...

Good luck. I know you will achieve your goal this time around.

Karen said...

Good luck with your goal. It's usually small steps that achieve (and sustain) goals rather than great leaps. And it's less difficult to lose weight when you have an external driver to encourage you and you're not just doing it by yourself.