Monday, December 04, 2006

If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be? (dsp blog prompt)

Doesn't that sound like a line from a Dr. Suess book?

Ok.... back to the prompt. After spending quite some time thinking about this I have to say, kind of sadly, that if I were a tree I'd probably be a kind of small, scraggly one. One that's been bent and twisted in the wind, suffered from drought off and on, isn't planted in the right environment either so it struggles and struggles to fulfill it's tree destiny. It would really take some looking to discover the species of tree that I am. Someday an arborist would come along who would see that I was really an oak tree struggling to make it and that all I needed was to be placed in the proper soil and given some tender loving care in order to thrive and grow and reach my full potential.

This is the most depressing blog entry. I'm sorry. I've had a hard day.


Karen said...

Ahh you're the tree version of the ugly duckling that turned into a swan.

*love2scrap* said...

ok now. you are fulfilling the creative need in you magnificently with your digi-scrapping, so I see some improvement in your foliage already :-) so much to read into what you said. you are a WONDERFUL person!!!!!