Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Wnat is your favorite winter memory? (dsp blog prompt)

It's really hard to choose just one favorite winter memory... seems that winter is, in some ways, a season for fond memories. There's Christmas, of course, and childhood memories of rare snowfalls in Alabama... and after moving to Michigan there's a whole new world of winter fun that I've discovered and enjoyed with my kids. But one of my fondest winter memories is when I was around five and was stuck inside sick on one of those rare days when we got enough snow in Alabama to actually cover the ground. I remember sitting at the window watching my friends play and feeling so very sad. Then, the door opened and there was my dad with the hugest snowball you've ever seen. He put it in the sink for me to play with.... I happily dug and scooped and packed for what seemed like hours... it must have been magical now if it didn't melt any quicker than that! LOL! That is one of my happiest winter memores and one of my happiest "dad" memories too.


loonyhiker said...

This sounds like such a neat memory! Glad you shared it.

Unknown said...

What a great memory to have of snow and of your father.