Thursday, December 07, 2006

Do you have a favorite ornament or decoration that you display at this time of year? (dsp blog prompt)

My Christmas tree is my favorite decoration.... I didn't do a tree the first few years I was married (long story). When I decided to put on up I happened to see a snowman themed tree in a store and decided I'd do one that way myself. The first year I had lots of snowmen that were just "filler" and didn't have any significance to me. But each year I've bought snowman oranments that signify something to me or my family.... there's the baby snowmen for each of my boys with the dates of their birth; the bride and groom snowmen for my hubby and I; the computer toting snowman for my husbands job; the snowman playing the drums for my drummer son; the beach snowmen from vacatioins; the photographer snowman; the skateboarding, skiing, baseball playing, basketball dribbling, etc. snowmen and more! And there is the Snow"mommy" with her "snowdaughter".... she represents the baby we lost. And theres one lone reindeer, Rudolph, who has a place of honor and a special memory attached to him. There are still some ornaments that are just beautiful.... but each year the ornaments with meaning replace the ones that are just there.... my boys and I decorate the tree each year and sort of celebrate who we are and what we've done through the years. A few days ago my girlfriend's tree fell over and all her glass ornament shattered. I couldn't help but think how sad I'd be to lose all the little things on our tree that trigger memories for me.


Stephanie said...

I love your layout that you posted next to your blog! An idea that I will def have to steal. ;)

Unknown said...

It is wonderful that you now buy them so they signify something.

*love2scrap* said...

that's awesome! I love sentimental decorations. (not that I have any left with 7 kids.)

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for a themed Christmas tree. I may actually steal it!!

Glynis said...

I totally agree about the significance of the ornaments...what a beautiful way to celebrate!

loonyhiker said...

I think you should take individual pictures of each ornament in case something happens to them. Then you will always have the photo as a memory.

ArtcTrish said...

Hey friend! Beautiful post...loved the snow in Alabama post too. We're hoping for it this year!!!!